5 Minutes Read

Carrying out recurring test campaigns allows a company to regularly check its various digital applications. The development phases are also accelerated and secured. Finally, the quality of the final service delivered contributes positively to the company's brand image. 



  • What is a test campaign?
    • Quick definition 
    • Operation
  • Test campaign: the advantages of no code solutions
  • The consequences of a bad test campaign
  • Some pitfalls to avoid when starting a campaign 
    • Incomplete writing of his recipe book
    • Waiting for a bug to resolve itself
    • Trying to fix a bug alone without IT knowledge
  • The main possible tests 
  • Conclusion


What is a test campaign?

Quick definition 

A test campaign is a sequencing of several tests allowing the control of new or optimized functionalities(functional tests).

The use of these campaigns also allows to ensure the non-regression of features already present on a website, an internal application, a mobile application... with each addition of additional features(regression tests).

The test campaigns can concern all companies and all sectors of activity.



The design of scenarios and the development of test cases are delicate actions that only an experienced test expert can implement. 

Once the results are in, it is possible tomake the necessarycorrections before the user is even aware of them! This is why it is important to automate your acceptance and pre-production campaigns to save time and anticipate the appearance of anomalies.

Developers can intervene in theadjustment of functionalities and the updating of bugs. 

Delegating does not mean losing control! 

Each intervention gives rise to the drafting of a test report submitted to the client company. These deliverables allow us to trace all correction operations. At Mr Suricateit is possible to receive post-campaign notifications on your mailbox or smartphone.


Test campaign: the benefits for the company 

Did you know that your testing campaigns can be orchestrated by an easy-to-use automation software that requires no coding skills?

Implementing a regular monitoring of its applications using a SaaS solution allows several things:

  • engage a maximum of its employees focused on the core of its activity (production of its service or product...)
  • Keep control over the smooth running of its digital processes by actively participating in the search for compromising application bugs (transactional, online payment, page responsiveness, database addition, etc.)
  • improve the image of his company and the ROI
  • By working with a partner, you also benefit from assistance if you are unsure of the best way to proceed.
  • Building customer loyalty through an optimized digital foundation
  • And finally, get a quick and detailed categorization of the detected anomalies.

The internalization of your campaigns thanks to the codeless editor of Mr Suricate codeless editor not only becomes possible, but it becomes easy too!


The consequences of a bad test campaign 

Before launching into the programming of a test campaign, it is important to have in mind the different traps in which you should not fall! If you forget or make mistakes, the whole campaign may be ineffective.

The consequences of a bad test campaign are not insignificant:

  • Deterioration of the user experience,
    • Bad image of the company,
    • Loss agility ;
    • Progressive dereferencing of the site concerned,
  • Decline in sales,
  • Extra cost for repairs,
  • ...


Some pitfalls to avoid when starting a campaign 

  • Incomplete writing of his recipe book

The definition of your needs must absolutely be recorded in this document. This tool allows the test development team to better understand your business context, write the different test cases and deliver the right message. Fortunately, in order to avoid the burden of this task, it is also possible to entrust it to experts of the test.

A poorly defined recipe book can seriously jeopardize the campaign model expected for your company. You don't want to miss it!

  • Waiting for a bug to resolve itself

Leaving a bug unchecked is like condemning your sales channel and hurting your customers. Without manual correction, a bug will not be solved. 

Waiting for "it to pass" will not only serve no purpose, but the functionality impacted by the error may well lead your customers to leave your pages and abandon any transactions in progress.

If a bug is reported by one of your users (but with an incomplete qualification), you have two choices: 

  1. Do nothing because the bug is minor. 
  2. Launch a campaign to try to better qualify the bug that is proving difficult to locate.
  • Trying to fix a bug alone without IT knowledge

If for paid advertising or emailing campaigns, it is easy to get your hands dirty, when a complex bug affecting the back or front end shows up, it becomes very difficult to get rid of it! Reading online tutorials is not enough to solve a major defect. 

Although on simple applications like storefronts, you may be tempted to fix some display bugs or basic functionality. Touching the CSS or adding scripts by copying and pasting them into your applications is not recommended. Side effects are indeed possible, not always immediately perceptible.

Worse: touching the code without knowing anything about it can have serious consequences for your application or your website. It is better to anticipate crises by allowing the rapid detection of bugs and their correction before a more massive outbreak.


The main possible tests 

A test campaign can include several types of tests, all of which are intended to optimize the overall functioning of a website. Among them, we find in particular:

  • Functional tests : 

They are used to ensure the proper functioning of a feature, such as :

  • adding an item to the cart, 
  • or access to the complete description of a product,
  • ...

These tests are usually performed before the final production release but can be repeated at each adjustment.

  • Unit testing : 

In order to verify a very small portion of code, we set up a test that allows us to know immediately the reactivity of a coded and modified element, such as the good communication with an API (sending and receiving data).

  • Regression testing :

Regression tests act in the same way as functional tests, with the difference that they do not concern new features but existing ones. The objective is to ensure that the integration of new developments has not resulted in the degradation of elements already implemented.

  • Performance testing: 

They allow you to make sure that your pages, applications, services are available at the right speed. The faster the display, the better your chances to keep your users, prospects or customers. The automation of this type of test allows you to keep control over the fluidity of the loading.

  • Security testing: 

This type of test controls important parameters for the security of your site such as your firewall. This prevents it from being an ideal target for hackers. By integrating this test in your campaigns, you reinforce its security system.

  • Accessibility testing: 

These tests are used to verify that the website or application is accessible to people with disabilities. The objective is to facilitate and fluidify their navigation.

  • End-to-end testing: 

These tests are essentially performed before a production launch to test a site or an application as a whole. The tester reproduces the user's behavior and ensures that the system is working properly. He tries to detect the presence of anomalies likely to be encountered by the customers of the brand.

Other tests such as API, graphical comparison or data layer tests are also conceivable and allow your site to gain in efficiency.


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A test campaign allows to keep a site or an application functional by setting up automated tests. Several types of tests are possible to cover the complete management of its application bases. 

The consequences of a bad campaign can affect the company that owns the site drastically. Do not hesitate to contact our expert testers for any new campaign!             


Screenshot 2022-07-06 at 16.18.40


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Mr Suricate
