3 Minutes Read

What is an API? What does the term SAAS mean? What is continuous integration? Don't panic, Mr Suricate is here to explain the different terms in the world of testing, code and AI.

Assert: Test to validate if a rule is true or not (example : such element contains such word). If it is true, the scenario continues, if it is false, the scenario fails.

API (Application Programming Interface) : Interface allowing to interrogate a software via requests instead of a graphical interface

Test campaign: Automatic execution of multiple scenarios simultaneously.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Campaign running multiple scenarios giving an overall results report instead of scenario by scenario. 

CMS (Content Management System): Is a family of software intended for the design and dynamic updating of websites or multimedia applications.

HTTP Code: Uweb server always responds to an http/https request from a browser by associating a code to the response. Depending on the value of this code, the web server's response can be interpreted (error for codes in the 400 and 500 ranges). 

Deployment : Installation of a deliverable (correction, new functionality) on a target environment (Preprod, prod...).

Environment : An environment designates the context in which a software is executed, it includes all the resources (hardware, software) allowing its execution. In practice we often find environments:
- of production: version used by the final users
- pre-production: identical to production, used to validate a new version
- development: used by developers to test their code
- integration: used to check that the different bricks of a software work well together

False positives: In practice, in cases where the result is used to warn (alarm, virus detection, etc), a false positive is a false alarm.

HTAccess: A tool for configuring various parameters associated with access to a server by clients.

ID: Identifier allowing to identify a resource in a unique way (a user, a customer, a scenario...)

Continuous integration : Continuous integration (CI) is a development method that aims to fix bugs faster, improve code quality and reduce the time needed to validate and release new software updates. This practice most often results in the creation of an automated workflow integrating the testing and deployment phases.

Iframe: Continuous integration is the process of integrating changes to a software project's computer code on a continuous basis, so that errors can be detected and corrected immediately.

Production release: Deployment of a new version of a software/site/... to a production environment.

Production: IT production encompasses all the methods and skills needed to maintain an operational infrastructure, its goal is to ensure that the infrastructure will be able to support all operational operations.

Pre-production: The stage before a service or product is put into production (i.e., made fully available). It is in fact a beta-testing phase, at the pre-production level the product is not or only partially used at the customer's site so that at the time of the changeover (in the case of a change of architecture for example) there are no major problems to declare.

Rollback: Literally "Rollback". Procedure generally used if a production launch does not go as planned, allows to put the production in the same state as before the launch (reloading, database backup, ...). production (reloads database backup, ...).

Query: A request is a query sent to a server. The server provides a response based on the parameters of this request. Term generally used for a request on a web server or on a database.

Set Up: Set up/configuration phase following a customer request. In the context of Mr Suricate context, it is the creation of scenarios.

SAAS (Software as a Service): Allows companies to subscribe to software remotely (web access via the internet) instead of acquiring them and having to install them in-house.

End-to-end testing (or system testing): Testing a complete integrated system to verify that all integrated components work in the final environment on targeted user journeys.

Component test: Test of an element or a functionality isolated from the path. Most often these tests are performed in a mocked environment where the functionality can be reached.

Functional test: Test of the implemented functioning based on the description documents (specifications or User Stories) allowing to validate the conformity of the behaviors without access to the code.

Non-functional testing: Test of the implementedfunctioning based on tests not related to the functionalities of an element (example: security tests, performance, load, usability...).

Time out: When sending a request, if no response is received before a maximum waiting time, the request will be in error due to exceeding the maximum waiting time, which is called "timeout".

TNR (Non Regression Test): Test that allows in the case of a new version to verify that the changes made have not impacted the previously existing features.

UAT: Acronym for User Acceptance Test. Corresponds to the validation phase by the final users of a software to verify that the product corresponds to the initial need.

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Mr Suricate
